Advocate: 24 Commands and 15 Installations
Support: 56,000 active, reserve, guard service members, civilians and their families
Assist: Over 230,000 veterans in our 4 counties
Grow: Economic impact of $12.3B and 130K jobs
Enhance: Increased military missions and latest advanced technology and equipment
Protect: Encroachment, realignment or BRAC
Promote: Value of our strategic location, training sites and installations
Need: Strong consistent, single voice to tell our story and change perceptions
Essential: United effort – local, state and federal
The South Florida Defense Alliance assembles the local experts to provide:
Relationships - Mutually beneficial relationships to gain access and influence.
Information and Advice - Awareness, information and advice on key issues that pose opportunities and threats.
Knowledge and Expertise - Experts in base and mission requirements, the knowledge of how the military operates at high levels, and the ability to translate issues and challenges clearly and succinctly.
Integrated Advocacy and Support - Awareness and understanding of the key local issues and the ability to use all resources and relationships to perform research and analysis to take coordinated action.
Impactful Teams - Ability to leverage our relationships, access and influence to assemble impactful teams to rally around issues and deliver solutions, reinforced by the benefit of being free to act independently from government constraints.
The South Florida Defense Alliance is the leader of a strong regional coalition that supports local military commands, defense industry, academia, government and the community through a powerful network of relationships, relevant information, a deep knowledge and expertise in military affairs, and the coordination of advocacy and support initiatives. Our team consists of former senior military and defense leaders who are dedicated to our goals and have put an effective system in place that elevates trust, credibility and the interest for regional growth.
1. Create a single unified and consistent voice in South Florida
2. Coalesce community support around our defense community and industries
3. Promote, preserve and enhance our local military missions and installations
4. Attract, retain, expand defense related industry, academic study and research
5. Promote and facilitate compatible community development
6. Advocate for our military commands, service-members and their families to make South Florida more “military friendly”